
“The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes.” – Benjamin Disraeli

Today’s job market is fiercely competitive. No matter how big or small your company is, there are people looking to get in & move up. You now more than ever need to stand out and stay on top of the career game.

So how do you stay above the fray? 

If you are trying to advance your career or simple looking to keep your job, here are some suggestions that will help you out.

1. Know what you want from your career
If you have no idea what you want or where you want to go, you will not be prepared to take on opportunities when they arise or present themselves. What is your goal? What career do you envision yourself having within your company? Think it into reality and make sure your actions align with those goals.

2. Self-promote! Your work can’t talk, It doesn’t always speak for itself 
We, especially women, often shy away from tooting our own horn. We believe that if we keep our head down and work hard, we’ll get noticed. However disappointment sets in when we are passed up for a job promotion or worse yet, are told that the position we hold has been cut. Yikes! You cannot be afraid to talk about your career success – your male colleagues aren’t. While your head is down, he’s telling your manage how he’s closed that major deal or sold the most units. When it comes time for promotion, demotion or job loss, your manager will think of all he’s contributed and his potential before giving him the axe. Speak up! Share your successes with your manager, it will pay dividends in the end.

3. Stay Visible & Network, Network, Network!
Whether it’s through company volunteer activities, work related events or content creation, staying visible holds so much importance in today’s corporate society. No matter where you are in the organization or how much responsibility you hold, you need to be seen. How do you expect to advance or keep your job if the management doesn’t know who you are or what you’ve contributed? You need to foster valuable connections within your organization especially within top-level management. These allies will be the ones who will see your potential as top talent later on. You need to stay engaged with your co-workers and keep you eye on what is going on in the company. You will be more likely to see a job opening if your eyes are wide open.

4. Find a Mentor 
Learning from those who have already been where you are and can shed some much needed insight on where you want to be is an invaluable tool. Strong mentors can be your greatest asset in career success. But don’t fret if you haven’t found someone who you feel can help you in your career journey. Talk to women (men) in positions that you aspire to have over lunch or in passing. Mentorship doesn’t have to be black and white. Not every executive will have the time to invest in 30minute sessions with you. Know when you’ve been given little nuggets or wisdom in the least expected places.

What actions have you taken to advance you career?