4 Actions You Can Take to Advance Your Career


“The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes.” – Benjamin Disraeli Today’s job market is fiercely competitive. No matter how big or small your company is, there are people looking to get in & move up. You now more than ever need to stand […]

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The Power of Our Thoughts


Actions follow thought, and counter productive thoughts will always send you in the opposite direction of your goal. – Valerie Burton Have you ever talked yourself out of doing something you were initially passionate about? I know I have. Our thoughts can sometimes be the biggest deterrence in achieving our goals.  The pessimist inside you […]

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What’s your Networking Strategy? Networking With a Purpose


In May, I told you about my Networking Challenge. Anna’s 4×4 Networking Challenge on her Classy Career Girl blog motivated me to start my own networking plan to build a stronger network of like minded people and a growing contact list of individuals in industries that interested me. Since starting this challenge, I have been […]

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