Have you ever had one of those days, months, years where nothing seems to be going as you envisioned?
You start off in the right direction. Motivated, inspired and ready to take on the world! You are clear and focused on what you need to achieve to experience your version of success.
And as the time passes, that rush you once had fizzles.
You start second guessing yourself, your progress and all the great but small things you’ve accomplished.
I know and understand all too well that feeling. I have lived it. I have been there. That feeling of doubt can kill the best of intentions.
I want you to know that your feelings may be warranted.
Maybe you haven’t fully thought through your ideas and that feeling of doubt is telling you to go through what you envisioned and make sure everything is aligned.
But maybe, just maybe your insecurities are trying to keep you from reaching your true potential.
You see, sometimes our thoughts can be our own worst enemies. I have overthought so many choices that it eventually led to me rethinking the plans that once had me so excited.
I lost momentum and my thoughts kept me stuck in “unproductive mode.” I missed opportunities that could have brought me closer to my vision.
You don’t have to stay stuck in “unproductive mode.”
What can you do right now to bring you out of your head and one step closer to your vision?
1. Take A Deep Breath
It sounds basic but it’s often all that is needed to diffuse our stress and allow oxygen to the brain. Not being able to achieve something such as losing weight, getting a promotion or finding investors for your business can be not only stressful but also demoralizing. Our thoughts may wander and we start thinking of all the reasons why what we envision for our life is not possible. Stop. Take a deep breath. Regroup.
2. Get Specific, Really Specific
What are you currently doing that isn’t working? Your vision may require you tweaking and changing your approach to achieve the results. What are you trying to achieve and by when? Be realistic in the time it will take to get there. Be patient. If you give yourself specific attainable objectives over a longer period of time, you’re more likely to stay motivated because you can see tangible results with each objective you reach.
3, Get Clear About Why Achieving This Goal Matters
Knowing WHY you want something is just as important as the what. Knowing why will keep you focused. In the moments where our thoughts get the best of us, knowing why can be the fuel we need to gain and maintain momentum. Figure out why reaching your goal is important. What will it do for you and your ultimate vision?
4. Create A Plan Of Action
Now that you’ve thought through your goals, you’ve gotten specific and clear about why it matters, It is time for the plan. How will you go about achieving your goal to bring you closer to your vision? Take you specific attainable objectives and create your timeline and plan of action. Include motivators or people in your life that will help you remain accountable and cheer you on along the way.
Getting closer to the vision you have for your life is possible. Don’t stay stuck in unproductive mode.
What vision are you trying to achieve? Comment Below.