During the holidays, I met with my good friend and worked on creating my vision board for 2015.
Now, for those of you who are not familiar with a vision board or its purpose, let me explain…
A vision board is when you affirm your goals by creating a physical representation of what you want to achieve in the coming year. It can be digital or physical. It’s a creative collage, if you will, of the images, words and phrases that represents a manifestation of your future self.
We broke down the board into 4 core areas of our life: health, career/business, spirituality and relationship.
We asked ourselves individually: What do you want your life to look like in the year to come?
Here is what I learned about myself:
1 – I Am Ready To Play BIG In 2015
2014 was full of beautiful beginnings and amazing journeys, as I mentioned in my past post. I learned and experienced many great things and as a result I am ready to play bigger in 2015. I have begun “my work” and I am ready to empower others to learn and grow in their own way and develop their passion and purpose.
2 – Manifest The Goals In Your Thoughts But Create Consistent Actions In Your Work
Creating goals and visualizing my future was great! It gave me a renewed sense of energy and excitement. But I am also aware that nothing gets done by will alone. I need to DO the WORK! I have to truly walk in the direction of the goals my mind has manifested. If I continue to do the work, by providing value and serving others, opportunities will present itself – if I am ready. And. That is the key!
3 – Be Grateful For The Way Your Life Is Right Now!
This is so important! In order to achieve the goals I’ve put forth on my board, I need to be grateful for where I am right now. Sometimes, we focus so much on where we want to go that we forget to enjoy where we are. I have accomplished many amazing things in the past year and I need to acknowledge that. Take an inventory of all the beautiful blessing that have been bestowed in my life and focus on creating more beautiful moments in the present not just the future.
Though I loved the experience of putting together my collage of images and being creative in a child-like way again, I understand that vision boards and resolutions mean nothing if they are not rooted in action. I won’t achieve my BIG goals by doing this activity once and then forgetting about it for the rest of the year.
Creating vision boards and resolutions require taking stock regularly and adjust accordingly. In the past, I would create my yearly resolutions in January and forget about them by June, feeling defeated when December roles around because nothing was achieved.
Don’t do that to yourself!
Remind yourself daily of your big goals and do ONE thing consistently to bring you closer to that vision! Planning is key!
What goals do you want to achieve in the year ahead?
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