
On May 29, 2014, I joined 70 women of executive positions from companies such as BMO Nesbitt Burns, Deloitte and Bell Canada at the OMNI Hotel to hear a health panel that included three leaders on women’s health in Canada. Dr. Viviene Brown, Leslie Beck and Lynn Posluns led an honest conversation about the major health issues affecting women today.

Official photo provided by Women of Infleunce
Official photo provided by Women of Influeunce

Women’s health today is affected by many factors however these ladies discussed the three that are serious causes for concern. Our diet, brain and stress levels have been impacted by our constant need to stay connected, the fast past at which we operate on a daily basis and our aging brain.

Here are three things that were reinforced in me by this health panel:

1. Being accountable to someone helps you to act responsibly about health

I have mentioned this before in my post about productivity and I believe it’s transferable in all areas of our life. Telling someone helps make you accountable because you have an obligation to come through in some way or form. You feel like you have to make it happen (or not happen) depending on the case because you said it into existence. In my case, my friend who is a weight loss technician is always forcing me to step my health game up! Her health mantra has caused me to reassess my own health decisions.

2. Women need to learn to say no in certain instances so that we can say yes to others that transform our way life

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the amount of commitments you’ve said yes to? I know I have! I feel a lot of women have trouble saying no to certain things. In my case, I often overload myself with tasks or projects that all need to be completed or executed at the same time. It is completely ok to say no so that you make space to say yes to things that truly matter in your life.

3. Eating healthy is not about binge diets, It’s about balancing and fore planning

Has this ever happened to you: It’s lunchtime, your busy, you really don’t have a lot of time to eat and you haven’t prepared a lunch. So you rush to your fastest food joint. The whole time you’re eating, you know you could have chose something healthier. After finishing your burger and fries, you regret having eaten, you feel guilty for the rest of the day, vowing to make better choices tomorrow. The answer to this is: fore planning. Preparing your lunches in advance allows you to not only know what your eating but also makes you better prepared for those impulsive times when your brain is sending the wrong signal (ie. I need sugar because I’m stressed!).

Photo provided by Women of Influence
Photo provided by Women of Influence

I had a great experience at the Women of Influence Luncheon and will be looking out for future events in Montreal.Have you attended any conferences, luncheons recently? Share your takeaways below.