Have workplaces truly evolved when it comes to their prevention of work stress and burnout? I mean the measurement for productivity, has it really changed? If you look at your organization right now, is performance primarily measured by how many hours you clock and the number of clients you brought in to increase company bottom […]
Deloitte Women of Influence Luncheon in Montreal
On May 29, 2014, I joined 70 women of executive positions from companies such as BMO Nesbitt Burns, Deloitte and Bell Canada at the OMNI Hotel to hear a health panel that included three leaders on women’s health in Canada. Dr. Viviene Brown, Leslie Beck and Lynn Posluns led an honest conversation about the major […]
Save, Spend & Share (in that order)
Managing money is a necessary part of living my healthy lifestyle. However, unexpected life events & every day impulses and wants can often steer me off track. I know I am not alone when I say that life can get expensive! Being a young professional and caring for a family takes a lot of organizing. […]
Envisioned Success But Walked Away? Why Walking Away Isn’t Always Bad!
Yesterday, I had a gym date with my good friend whose a weight loss technician. Working out always has a way of making me feel energized but it’s getting on the scale afterwards that also has me a little annoyed. I know that the number on the scale is not a true indicator of my […]